Register and react to medical cases in real-time instead of retrospectively, inspect,
analyze it and react accordingly on medical cases.
Electronic system of registration medical notices about births and deaths.
Electronic lists of patients waiting for operations within state program of cardiac
Health care facilities involved in state healthcare programs and their contact information.
The system helps parties to receive accurate and comprehensive information on medical
Electronic claim reporting service for insurance companies
The module enables providers to submit information on rendered services to contractors electronically.
Common database where records of beneficiaries are created according to healthcare facilities.
Flexible tool to monitor and analyze information flows based on different indicators.
The system represents the tool, which…
Pharmaceutical Module enables control of stocks and expiration dates of pharmaceuticals.
Common database of healthcare facilities.
Common database of medical staff.
Common Information System for collection, registration and management of healthcare financing information
2011 – 2012
Reporting Module
The system represents a tool to generate different statistical and analytical reports
2012 - 2013
Electronic Medical
The system enables creation and registration of Electronic Medical Records
2012 - 2013
Patients Module provides individuals with updated and accurate information on accessible healthcare services
2012 - 2013